Tuesday, February 28, 2017


 I am in love with reading
Even though others think I’m kidding

Books give me a new fantasy
Unmatched by today's technology

Few people understand how powerful books are
They are better than video games by far

Every book takes you to a world of its own
It’s the only adventure you can do alone

This picture relates to the poem because it shows Tai Lopez, a man who claims to read a book a day. He also says that he values his books more than he values his Lamborghini or Ferrari, which relates to how I think books are more valuable than technology or things society dubs as better than books.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week #2 Reflection

The poem “I Love Saints” was kind of a representation of how I felt the first weeks of freshman year, but with the issues I currently face in sophomore year. I now know that Saints was the best option for me and that I wouldn’t rather be anywhere else, but I am struggling and wish it was easier for me. While I would never go to Cathedral or Mater Dei, I probably would have considered it if I was still a freshman and had as much work as I have now. I guess I was trying to say that I am very stressed out right now and I wish that it wasn’t that way, while I am also directly complaining about some classes which cause me the most trouble. I am very happy with the way the poem turned out and wouldn’t change a thing about it. The poetic language I used was rhyme and it had a scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.

Friday, February 17, 2017

I Love Saints

I Love Saints

Classes at Saints are extremely boring
They make me bang my head against a wall
By Block 2 I am already snoring
maybe I should have gone to Cathedral

Honors English involves too much reading
But I guess Osberg’s teaching is okay
Last Tuesday, Power took a beating
When do I switch over to Mater Dei?

Why does John Vignol make religion hard?
I extremely despise Biology
After Geometry my brain is scarred.
Guys should be allowed into O-L-P.

Even though I have a lot of complaints
I can not deny that I still love Saints

Related image

This picture relates to the poem because it was as if I was undecided between staying at Saints or leaving because of its flaws.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Week #1 Poem Reflection

My haiku was about how I have been dealing with homework piling up on me and me not being completely sure I would be able to finish all of it in time and with good quality. It was about me not being able to balance having a social life and still having time to finish all of my work, at least without having to sacrifice one for the other, hence why I asked school to end now. I didn’t feel like I had a hold or control over all of the things I had to do, which is something that always stresses me out. I was trying to say that school has suddenly become very hard for me, which is weird because school has never been too hard in my opinion, but now it feels like everything is spinning out of control. However, now that I have everything sort of worked out, looking back I feel like I exaggerated a bit with my wording. If I could change anything I would make it more meaningful, and try to add more poetic language because I did not do that.

Monday, February 6, 2017

School Sucks Haiku

School is a struggle
The homework is killing me
Please make school end now

Image result for images of kid in school

This picture relates to the poem because the boy is clearly exasperated with his schoolwork and I feel the exact same way as shown in the poem.