Sunday, April 9, 2017

Week 8 Reflection

          This poem is about my journey from being a terrible poet to being a very decent one, and it isn't all thanks to the poetry blog assignment. It is about me being a bit sad about the assignment being done, because I enjoyed writing a new poem each week, but I recognize that it was fun and gained a lot from taking part in the blogs. I also had a lot of fun thinking of different rhymes and have gotten quite good at rhyming now which is something I was never good at. What I meant with the N.C. line was that they were the losers last year in the NCAA final, much like I was a loser at poetry, but now they are the champs, just as I am now good at poetry. My poem itself followed no specific structure, and had only rhyme. I wouldn't change anything because it was the last poem and like Kanye says, I should never regret my artistic choices.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Last Real Poem

I am a good poet now, but I used to be crap
so it has been a long writing journey.
I was a loser, but now I'm the champ
Like N.C. in the tourney.

I'm so popular, my name is written on totems,.
People read my poems as if they were the Torah.
I'm as passionate with poems,
As Osberg is with roasting Zamora.

I became a better writer by far,
But my eight weeks of spitting flame are done. 
I don't know how many good poets there are,
all I know is I'm the best one.

Thank you Mr. Osberg.

This is an image of Childish Gambino, who spits flame just like I do and just as I say I do in this poem.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Week #7 Reflection

This poem is about, in my opinion, one of the most annoying people on planet Earth, Darren Dimalanta. Even though I deeply despise him at times, I still consider him a friend, and a really good one at that. As I explained in the poem, he sometimes enjoys taking my phone and running until I catch up to him, which is one of his major flaws. The day I wrote this poem, Darren had taken my phone while I was playing Clash Royale, a 1v1 iPhone game, making me lose the battle I was currently playing at the moment. This really made me mad. When thinking about what I was going to write this week, I decided that there were many things I felt about Darren that I should get off my chest, which I expressed in this poem. I was trying to say that there is a side to Darren that I, and fankly everyone else, hates, which is when he thinks he's being funny but really he is being annoying and trolly. I would ot change this poem because I thought it was accurate and expressed my feelings for Darren at that moment very well. As for poetic language, I used rhyme and my poem was a couplet.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Darren Dimalanta

Out of all the people at school,
There is one who thinks he is fun and cool.
But all he really does is piss me off.
When he makes a joke I only scoff.

This man's name is Darren,
And even Mr. Osberg hates him.
He tries to take our phones and run,
But we don't think it's any fun.

Darren thinks he's the meme lord,
But he knows damn well that he's ignored.
Unfortunately, I consider Darren a friend.
But now I wish our friendship would end.

This picture relates to the poem because it depicts an unfunny friend's look of anticipation, such as Darren.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Week #6 Reflection

My "Friends Couplet" is about me showing my love for the TV show Friends. I have always thought Friends was a quality TV show but when I started watching it I realized it was the best. There were many times when I was sad or stressed about school where I found relaxation in watching an episode of Friends. This couplet expresses my love for the TV show and uses some characters as examples. I loved how cringy Chandler was and used it in the poem. I wouldn't change anything because it is a good couplet and I know I showed that I love the show. As for poetic language, I used rhyme and made Gunther sound like he was cool by saying he was a boss, but this is also true because he was the boss of the coffee shop. This is a double entendre which is a double meaning for a phrase, like Gunther being a boss.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Friends Couplet

My favorite TV show is “Friends”,
I’m sad when an episode ends.

My favorite character is Rachel, 
But Chandler’s jokes are painful.

I can’t deny that I love Ross,
But Gunther is the biggest boss.

Every episode makes me happy,
Even though Phoebe is kind of crappy.

This picture relates to the blog because I love watching friends and it will always be my favorite tv show.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Week #5 Reflection

This poem is about the rage that a certain videos game, FIFA 17, causes its gamers, including me. The creators of FIFA are called "Electronic Arts", or EA. The term that people use to describe the recurring BS that one faces while playing FIFA is "EAids", which is the title of my poem. What I was trying to say while writing this poem is that I experience EAids way to much, and this causes me to get extremely angry. However, this doesn't stop me from continuing to play the game, as it is indeed a very fun game to play when you are good. I would not change absolutely anything because my belief stands firm: I hate EAids and FIFA itself at times. This poem also shows that I am no longer mad about school or work, because I have everything worked out in that aspect of my life. The fact that my anger is mostly at a video game shows that I have nothing else to really be angry about, so everything is going very good right now. I did not use any poetic terms other than making my poem a haiku.

If you don't understand what EAids means or what it makes people do, please have a look at this short, 6 minute video. You will not be disappointed:

Thursday, March 16, 2017

EAids Haiku

FIFA is stupid.
I can not deal with EAids.
Why do I play it?

This picture relates to the poem because I feel like I want to break my own FIFA disc whenever I play as expressed in the poem.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Week #4 Reflection

This poem is about how all the homework, projects, and stress are starting to go away each coming week. Having finished my poetry analysis, gotten a rhythm with the bogs, finished the interview, done my research assignment, and found a good balance with my grades, I finally feel like a huge load of stress has fallen off my back. I was trying to say that I am happy, comfortable, and relieved for the first time since I started the second semester, which is  great feeling. I also fee like I have everything figured out, at least for the coming weeks. Also, since my rise back to prominence in Trivia Tuesday, I feel like I am useful to my team and feel like am the alpha male once again which is a relief to me. I would have to agree with what you said, that an easy life is not fulfilling, which I take to mean that "no pain, no gain," which inspired me to write this poem. For poetic language, I only used a haiku. I feel like, if I could, I would add at least one symbol to represent happiness or relief in the haiku.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Everything's Good Haiku

Everything is good
Everything's under control
The stress is over

This picture is realted to my haiku because the student, like me finished all his work and is clearly relieved and happy like me.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Week #3 Reflection

My poem for week #3, titled "Reading", is my own expression for my love of reading. It is about how much I truly enjoy reading and escaping from this world to go to the one in a book, even if others think reading is boring and doesn't make sense. With the rise of video games, YouTube, and other technology to pass time, society has steered further and further away from reading, and thus lessening its value and appeal. However, despite all the other things I could be doing, my love for reading and constant desire to go into new worlds of adventure never goes away. I would not change anything at all because I liked the way the poem turned out and because I think my ideas were expressed appropriately. As far as poetic language I used, I would say it only had rhyme and enjambment in the first two sets of line and the poem itself was a couplet.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


 I am in love with reading
Even though others think I’m kidding

Books give me a new fantasy
Unmatched by today's technology

Few people understand how powerful books are
They are better than video games by far

Every book takes you to a world of its own
It’s the only adventure you can do alone

This picture relates to the poem because it shows Tai Lopez, a man who claims to read a book a day. He also says that he values his books more than he values his Lamborghini or Ferrari, which relates to how I think books are more valuable than technology or things society dubs as better than books.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week #2 Reflection

The poem “I Love Saints” was kind of a representation of how I felt the first weeks of freshman year, but with the issues I currently face in sophomore year. I now know that Saints was the best option for me and that I wouldn’t rather be anywhere else, but I am struggling and wish it was easier for me. While I would never go to Cathedral or Mater Dei, I probably would have considered it if I was still a freshman and had as much work as I have now. I guess I was trying to say that I am very stressed out right now and I wish that it wasn’t that way, while I am also directly complaining about some classes which cause me the most trouble. I am very happy with the way the poem turned out and wouldn’t change a thing about it. The poetic language I used was rhyme and it had a scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.

Friday, February 17, 2017

I Love Saints

I Love Saints

Classes at Saints are extremely boring
They make me bang my head against a wall
By Block 2 I am already snoring
maybe I should have gone to Cathedral

Honors English involves too much reading
But I guess Osberg’s teaching is okay
Last Tuesday, Power took a beating
When do I switch over to Mater Dei?

Why does John Vignol make religion hard?
I extremely despise Biology
After Geometry my brain is scarred.
Guys should be allowed into O-L-P.

Even though I have a lot of complaints
I can not deny that I still love Saints

Related image

This picture relates to the poem because it was as if I was undecided between staying at Saints or leaving because of its flaws.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Week #1 Poem Reflection

My haiku was about how I have been dealing with homework piling up on me and me not being completely sure I would be able to finish all of it in time and with good quality. It was about me not being able to balance having a social life and still having time to finish all of my work, at least without having to sacrifice one for the other, hence why I asked school to end now. I didn’t feel like I had a hold or control over all of the things I had to do, which is something that always stresses me out. I was trying to say that school has suddenly become very hard for me, which is weird because school has never been too hard in my opinion, but now it feels like everything is spinning out of control. However, now that I have everything sort of worked out, looking back I feel like I exaggerated a bit with my wording. If I could change anything I would make it more meaningful, and try to add more poetic language because I did not do that.

Monday, February 6, 2017

School Sucks Haiku

School is a struggle
The homework is killing me
Please make school end now

Image result for images of kid in school

This picture relates to the poem because the boy is clearly exasperated with his schoolwork and I feel the exact same way as shown in the poem.